This website has been created in order to inform users about our applications.
 Your privacy is very important to us, and we take it seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy below 
 and let us know if you have any questions or other feedback regarding it.

 - Personal Information:
     We do not collect any personally identifiable information about the users of our apps.

 - Advertising:
     The use of our application, explicitly implies the consent of the user in the collection of cookies,
     identifiers and traffic analysis.
     For personalization of content and ads. In addition, anonymously accept that such advertising and 
     analysis, information shared with third partners help us improve and optimize the ads.

 - Your Consent:
     By using our app, you consent to our privacy policy.

 - Changes to our Privacy Policy
     We reserve the right to modify our Privacy Policy at any time simply by posting such modification
     on this site and without any other notification. Any such modification will be effective immediately 
     upon posting on this site. It is your responsibility to review our Privacy Policy from time to time 
     to ensure that you continue to agree with all of its terms.
If you want you can contact us.
Any questions, suggestion, idea or problem you'd like to share with us you can send it to the following email